3.1 The Study Population
The study sample of 98 (ninety eight) was taken from the patient population of 3,963 glaucoma patients being treated at the Eye Clinic of the FISH Medical Center, in Jamaica. The parent population for the study (case load of the Eye Clinic) stood at 13,369 patients at the end of 2008; of which 3,963 had Glaucoma. The Clinic serves a primary catchment population of 666,182 residents. The population represents the parishes of Kingston and St. Andrew.
3.2 Independent Variables
The study proposes to develop an “objective” understanding of the issues by measuring the effects of a diagnosis of glaucoma (the independent variable) on a selection of dependent psychological variables.
3.3 Dependent Variables
The main dependent variables being examined are: knowledge; feelings, attitudes and social relationships.
3.4 Method of data collection
A structured interview, based on a pre-designed questionnaire, with accompanying instructions for the interviewer, was used. This method of data collection is based on a number of considerations, including the fact that many of the patients may, in fact, be visually impaired and/or affected by poor levels of literacy.
3.5 Research procedures:
This involved the following activities:
- Drafting of Questionnaire (response schedule) Concent form; and accompanying instructions for interviewers.
- Selection and orientation of 1 interviewer with transportation requirements in mind.
- Prepare questionnaire in consultation with Study Supervisor.
- Pre-test of questionnaires on 12 adults; (6 women and 6 men).
- Correction of questionnaire (if desirable).
- Invite the opinion of a neutural individual to answer the penultimate questionnaire.
- Visit to the clinic with interviewer, to ensure introduction to the clinic personnel.
- Confirmed start date for data collection.
- Printing of questionnaires, consent forms and study brochures, ensuring useful surplus quantities.
- Secure approval for start of data collection from
- Study supervisor.
- Start of data collection; April 2010.
- Review completed questionnaires at least once each day, over the first week and sporadically thereafter.
- Enter sort, present and analyze data using SPSS.
3.6 Sampling procedure for the Study
A systematic sample (approximately 1 in 2) of male and female glaucoma patients (attending on each clinic day and willing to participate) was taken between April and May 2010.
The size of the sample was 98 or just under 2.5% of the approximately 3,693 persons who make up the glaucoma case load at the clinic.
On each clinic day, the interviewer was provided with a list of the glaucoma patients holding appointments for that day and instructed to interview one in 2 glaucoma patients attending clinic, and willing to participate.
3.7 Data Analysis
For descriptive data as appropriate, means, medians and modal findings will be presented in the next chapter. Graphical summaries (Tables & charts) will be used to summarize and display data. The data will be analyzed with the help of the SPSS statistical program software. The hypotheses will be tested, using: the appropriate statistical tests. Findings will be discussed in chapter five and recommendations advanced.
Chapter 4 – Presentation of Findings